January, the month of new beginnings, this is the month where I’ll become a perfect person. Unfortunately, it’s never like that, is it? Most of the time January starts with excitement and ends with acceptance. Accepting that we’re not perfects, that everything that we’ve planned was not accomplished either by lack of time or lack of will. It’s okay, we’ve the whole year! Let’s not get ourselves get down and give up so quickly, we’re still 11 months away from the end of the year my friends.
Basically I just want to share that most of the things that I planned on doing, I ended up not doing them. And the truth is I’m not angry with me, thank god. I had more important things to do and whatever was planned for January can be done anytime during the year.
So, let’s see what I had planned for January in my happiness project.
Complete “January Cure”
I wrote a list of projects and tasks that I wanted to tackle around the house, but I never felt inspired to clean/organize the house. I’m a little bit all or nothing in these situations and I know how eventually I’ll be super energetic to tackle this. Every year I get an urge to do it, I just have to wait until it comes.
Organize receipts once a week (continue throughout the year)
I haven’t found a great method to do this and probably that’s why it’s not happening yet.
Don’t put off ironing more than 2 weeks (continue throughout the year)
If there’s one thing that I hate is ironing, I’d rather clean up the bathroom that ironing, that’s why the goal was added so I stop getting lazy about it. I believe I’ll start doing this in February.
Sell everything that I can in OLX
I put some things for sale but I still have plenty of things left.
Regarding the more general goals, I think I’m quite good, mostly because they’re making feel good about myself and not very hard. Going to the gym and working on something creative are two of those things. They give me peace. They give me happiness.
Regarding self-confidence, I still have a long way to go and it’s nothing surprising honestly, it’s hard for me and I feel it’ll be a project for my life, not only for just a year.
One thing that I’m struggling to interiorize and really need to is one of my commandments
“Your work is not your life”
It has been hard, I’m not going to lie. These last few weeks have been especially hard at work and this affects me a lot even after I leave. Going to the gym has helped me immensely but I still have to figure out how to not let my work affect me on my personal life.
How was your January?