Looking back, 2016 was a good year. I cried a lot but not as much as 2015. I learned a lot. Some good things that happened this year:
- Discovered that I passed JLPT N5
- Went for JLPT N4
- Created this blog
- Saw for the first time a Bollywood movie and loved it!
- First year of living with my boyfriend
- Production release of an important project of my company
- Tried out a lot of recipes, including homemade pasta and nikuman
- Even embarrassed, went to my first conversation exchange
- Visited Mount Maunganui (New Zealand), Christchurch (New Zealand), Sydney (Australia), Munich (Germany), La Serena (Chile) and Santiago do Chile (Chile)
- Read a lot and some of the books were different from my usual reading – my year in books on goodreads
But more importantly, I learned about myself more than any other thing. I know a lot more about what I am and what I am not than I did least year. It has given me more insight in general however it has also paralysed me since I don’t like some of my traits. I cannot change overnight so I just have to accept the good and the bad.
I already talked about my need to be productive all the time, but what I really want it’s to be happy with what I have, what I do and accept that I cannot do it all. If sometimes I arrive home from work and all I want to do is watch a tv show, I don’t want to feel guilty.
I feel like some posts around the internet, explain it better than I do and I’ll be using them as a guide for 2017:
- A lesson learnt in 2016: I can’t do everything, even if I try really hard
- You can do anything, but not everything
- Doing Things is Overrated… So Stop (A Bit)
This year I want to focus on having more self-confidence. It has been something that I know I need to work on for years but haven’t made time to focus on it. This is the year.
What about you, what do you want to focus on this year?
Happy New Year everyone!